Sunday, July 28, 2024

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood πŸ”–

First published April 22, 2003

Oryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future. Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey–with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake–through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining. (Source: goodreads) 

This was not for me. After I got to the part where we see Oryx for the first time, I could not get past it. 


Why was this banned: Alcohol use and abuse; drug use; sexual activities; sexual nudity; profanity; suicide; violence; inflammatory religious commentary; and inexplicit bestiality.

My thoughts: I didn't get far enough to catch all that was listed here. 

Nudity that was described in the first 80 pages was not descriptive in the least other than to say the characters had no clothes on. 

Sexual activities: Yes, including description of child porn. 

That's as far as I was able to get. Would I ban this? No. I don't believe in banned books. Would I want my kid reading this? No. It was too gritty, I didn't like the representation of porn, and I particularly don't want him reading about child porn in detail. Those are images that no one should "inadvertently" have in their heads, especially young teens. There are other books to recommend. 

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