Monday, February 26, 2024

The Hidden by Melanie Golding 🔖🔖

First published November 9, 2021


When a small child is found wandering alone, the local shopkeepers call the authorities immediately. Twenty minutes later, the girl’s mother turns up, panicked and distraught. It doesn't take long to clear things up, and mother and daughter are soon reunited and sent on their way.

Miles away, the body of a man is discovered, floating in a bathtub, but the most surprising discovery of all is that he isn't dead. Despite his injuries, he is very much alive.

Two seemingly unrelated events. But as DS Harper begins to investigate, disturbing truths start to come to light that connect the man to the mother and child, and suddenly it’s not clear where the danger truly lies. Harper must find out, and quickly. Because someone, or something, is closing in and she needs to uncover the truth before it’s too late…


I have to go with two stars on this one as I feel overall mediocre about it. It was slow to start, there were plot points that seemed mentioned but never explored, and it was fairly predictable. I say "fairly" as there were a few twists. We find out half way through who the "bad guy" is and then the story picks up a bit. I also struggled to suspend my belief, not about selkies, but the things the main detective chose to do and got away with. Sure, it's fiction, but no way. 

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