Thursday, January 18, 2024

Unleashed by Emily Kimelman 🔖🔖🔖


First published April 19, 2011 


The book follows the life of Joy Humbolt, who has just ended it up with her boyfriend, fired from work, and bought a dog (Blue). She then gets a gig to take over someone's dog-walking route after which a series of mysteries unfold once she discovered a dead body while walking one of her dogs. She'll risk everything to bring the killer to justice. (Source: wikipedia)


I got this one as it was promised to be LGBTQ inclusive. I don't consider, however, a side character who is the gay brother of the main character to fall under this "inclusive" umbrella. Maybe "LGBTQ included"?  The main character being LGBTQ would be inclusive ... this one was a raging heterosexual. ;) 

That being said, I did stay up two hours past my bed time to finish the story. I had it figured out before it was presented, yet that was okay as it was fun to see how she was going to figure it out and then "resolve" it. There wasn't a ton of meaningful character development from beginning to end, but she was a fun main character. 

Bottom line - not one I'd highly recommend, especially if we're looking for LGBTQ inclusive. 

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